Mission and Vision


We are travelers on the Aspen Ridge Trailways. It is our mission to think independently, participate in our integrated world, and achieve individual goals in order to gain knowledge and understanding. We will approach challenges with confidence and assist others in our community while learning and growing together on the trail of success.


The Founders of the Aspen Ridge Preparatory School envision a community of students, teachers, parents, and administrators collaborating to create a rigorous, content-rich learning environment that fosters a lifelong love of learning and gives students a solid base of knowledge to compete in a global society. Students will participate in successful, researchbased curricula in the core content areas along with a focus on technology, international experience, natural environment, personal development, and enrichment programs. Students will be encouraged to think independently and question the world around them. Ongoing assessment of the students, both formally and informally, will take place regularly to ensure individual student goals are attained by adapting instruction appropriately.