If your student needs a vaccine exemption, please click
for vaccine exemption information.
Colorado law requires all students attending Colorado schools and licensed child cares to be vaccinated against certain diseases unless they have a certificate of medical or nonmedical exemption on file. You must file a certificate of exemption at each school or child care the student attends. To protect unvaccinated children, students with an exemption from one or more required vaccines may be kept out of a school or child care during a disease outbreak.
Medical Exemption
- Students with a completed Certificate of medical exemption (signed by a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathic medicine, advanced practice nurse or delegated physician's assistant) need to submit this Certificate only once unless the student’s information or school changes.
- You can submit a Certificate of medical exemption with CDPHE to include in the Colorado Immunization Information System (CIIS). Check with your student’s school, child care or college/university to find out if they want the printed copy of the Certificate of medical exemption or, if they can access the “submitted” document from CIIS.
- Per Colorado Revised Statutes 25-4-2403(2.5), immunizing providers must submit medical exemption data to CIIS.
Non-Medical Exemption [IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ!]
As of 7/1/2021, the process of submitting a nonmedical exemption has changed. There will be two ways to submit a nonmedical exemption.
Be sure to check with your student’s school, child care or college/university to find out if they need a printed copy of the Certificate of nonmedical exemption or if you submit to CIIS, the school is able to access the Certificate of nonmedical exemption from CIIS.
- Submit the Certificate of nonmedical exemption WITH a signature from an immunizing provider in Colorado who is a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathic medicine, advanced practice nurse or delegated physician’s assistant OR
- Submit the Certificate of nonmedical exemption received upon the completion of CDPHE’s Online Immunization Education Module. (See additional information below.)
- Parents of students in preschool or child care must submit nonmedical exemptions at 2, 4, 6, 12 and 18 months of age. These exemptions expire when the next vaccines are due or when the child enrolls in kindergarten.
- Parents of students in grades K-12 claiming a nonmedical exemption must submit one annually. Nonmedical exemptions expire on June 30th each year. If you submit a Certificate of nonmedical exemption on or before June 30th, it will not be valid for the upcoming school year unless you submit the exemption during early registration.
- Students in college/university claiming a nonmedical exemption must submit a Certificate of Nonmedical Exemption upon enrollment.